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Our Brokers

Michael Bull, CCIM
President, The Office Group
CEO & Founder, Bull Realty, Inc.
Andy Lundsberg
Partner, Bull Realty
Darrell Chapman
Partner, Bull Realty
John DeYonker
President, Land & Developer Services
Partner, Bull Realty
Nancy Miller, CCIM, MBA
President, Net Lease Investment Group
Partner, Bull Realty
Michael Wess, CCIM
Partner, Bull Realty
Will Young
President, The Retail Group
Partner, Bull Realty
Paul Zeman
President, Healthcare Real Estate Services
Partner, Bull Realty
Ernie Anaya, MBA
President, Senior Housing Group
Karen Ash
Margaret Blanton
V.P. Self Storage Group
Lindsay Brereton, CCIM
V.P. Healthcare Real Estate Services
Austin Bull
Commercial Real Estate Advisor
Brice Burns
V.P. Macon Office
Tameka Clark
Commercial Real Estate Advisor
Jared Daley
Commercial Real Estate Advisor
Megan Daley
Commercial Real Estate Advisor
Isabel Eiler
V.P. Government Leased Investment Sales
Tom French
President, Hospitality Group
Ramon Garcia
V.P. Multifamily and Land Investments
Jeff Gary
President, Chattanooga Office
Perry Hayes
V.P. Land & Developer Services
Cole Ingram
V.P. The Industrial Group
Shadia Jaraysi
V.P. The Retail Group
Phillip J. Kelly O.D.
V.P. Healthcare Real Estate Services
Shoumic Khan
V.P. The Industrial Group
Angie Sarris
V.P. The Retail Group
Steve Self, MPA, CPA
V.P. Investment Sales
Kent Tagge
V.P. The Retail Group
Darrell Thomas
S.V.P. The Apartment Group
Arden Wassilchak
V.P. Special Assets
Jesse Whalen
V.P. The Office Group
Adam Willhite
V.P. Net Lease Investment Group
Sean Williams
S.V.P. The Office Group
Anna Rohde Yuan, MBA
President, International Investment Group